Class MkDocsGhDeploy

    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        public Property<String> getMessage()
        A commit message to use when committing to the Github Pages remote branch. Commit {sha} and MkDocs {version} are available as expansions.
      • getRemoteBranch

        public Property<String> getRemoteBranch()
        The remote branch to commit to for Github Pages. This overrides the value specified in config.
      • getRemoteName

        public Property<String> getRemoteName()
        The remote name to commit to for Github Pages. This overrides the value specified in config.
      • getForce

        public Property<Boolean> getForce()
        Force the push to the repository.
      • getIgnoreVersion

        public Property<Boolean> getIgnoreVersion()
        Ignore check that build is not being deployed with an older version of MkDocs.