Class MkDocsServe

    • Method Detail

      • getDevAddr

        public Property<String> getDevAddr()
        IP address and port to serve documentation locally (default: localhost:8000)
      • getStrict

        public Property<Boolean> getStrict()
        Enable strict mode. This will cause MkDocs to abort the build on any warnings.
      • getTheme

        public Property<String> getTheme()
        The theme to use when building your documentation.
      • getThemeDir

        public DirectoryProperty getThemeDir()
        The theme directory to use when building your documentation.
      • getLivereload

        public Property<Boolean> getLivereload()
        Enable the live reloading in the development server
      • getDirtyreload

        public Property<Boolean> getDirtyreload()
        Enable the live reloading in the development server, but only re-build files that have changed.