Class |
Description |
AbstractGeneratorTask |
AbstractPluginTest |
AggregateJacocoReportPlugin |
AggregateJavadocJarPlugin |
AggregateJavadocPlugin |
AjcAction |
AjcForkOptions |
ApacheLinkProvider |
Ar |
ArchiveFileTree<IS extends ArchiveInputStream,E extends ArchiveEntry> |
ArchiveInputStreamProvider<IS extends ArchiveInputStream> |
ArFileTree |
ArjFileTree |
ArPlugin |
AspectJBasePlugin |
AspectjCompile |
AspectJCompileOptions |
Compilation options to be passed to the AspectJ compiler.
AspectJCompiler |
AspectJCompileSpec |
AspectJPlugin |
AspectJPostCompileWeavingPlugin |
AspectJRuntime |
AspectjSourceDirectorySet |
AspectjSourceSet |
BZip2 |
BZip2.BZip2WorkAction |
CacheControlInterceptor |
CodeGenerator |
CodeGeneratorConfiguration |
CodeGeneratorPlugin |
CommonsCompressArchiver |
CompressFileOperations |
CompressFileOperationsImpl |
CompressorTask<P extends CompressorWorkParameters> |
CompressorWorkAction<OS extends CompressorOutputStream,P extends CompressorWorkParameters> |
CompressorWorkParameters |
CompressPlugin |
CompressTreePlugin |
ConfigUtil |
Cpio |
CpioPlugin |
DefaultAspectjSourceDirectorySet |
DefaultAspectjSourceSet |
DefaultWeavingSourceSet |
Deflate |
Deflate.DeflateWorkAction |
Deflate.DeflateWorkParameters |
Delombok |
Applies lombok transformations without compiling your
java code (so, 'unpacks' lombok annotations and such).
DependencyManifestPlugin |
DependencyManifestTask |
DependencySnapshotTask |
DependencySubmissionPlugin |
DescriptorGeneratorTask |
Detector |
DownloadFile |
DumpFileTree |
FileBuilder |
FileWritable |
GenerateCodeTask |
GenerateLombokConfig |
Deprecated. |
Generator |
GithubBasePlugin |
GithubClient |
GithubExtension |
GithubPackageRegistryMavenPublishPlugin |
GithubPomPlugin |
GithubService |
GitUtil |
GitUtils |
GitVersionPlugin |
GradleConfigurationBuilder |
GZip |
GZip.GZipWorkAction |
GZip.GZipWorkParameters |
HttpGet |
HttpPut |
JacocoDump |
JakartaEE8LinkProvider |
JakartaEE9LinkProvider |
JavadocLinkProvider |
JavadocLinksPlugin |
JavadocsPlugin |
JavadocUtf8Plugin |
JavaEE8LinkProvider |
Job |
License |
LombokApi |
LombokApiJar |
Creates a small lombok-api.jar with the annotations and other public API
classes of all lombok features.
LombokBasePlugin |
LombokConfig |
Prints the configurations for the provided paths to standard out.
LombokConfigAction |
LombokConfigParameters |
LombokExtension |
LombokJarTask |
LombokPlugin |
LombokRuntimeJar |
Creates a small lombok-runtime.jar with the runtime
dependencies of all lombok transformations that have them,
and prints the names of each lombok transformation that
requires the lombok-runtime.jar at runtime.
LombokTask |
LZMA.LZMAWorkAction |
LzmaArchiver |
Manifest |
Manifest.Dependency |
Manifest.File |
MavenHelper |
MavenPluginPlugin |
A Gradle plugin for building Maven plugins.
MavenProjectWrapper |
MavenPublishBasePlugin |
MavenPublishJavaPlugin |
MavenPublishWarPlugin |
MkDocs |
MkDocsBuild |
Build the MkDocs documentation.
MkDocsGhDeploy |
Deploy your documentation to GitHub Pages.
MkDocsNew |
Create a new MkDocs project
MkDocsPlugin |
MkDocsServe |
Run the builtin development server.
MojoAnnotationScannerWrapper |
OkHttpCacheExtension |
OkHttpCachePlugin |
OkHttpExtension |
OkHttpPlugin |
OkHttpRequestTask |
OptionalPlugin |
PlantumlAction |
PlantumlParameters |
PlantumlPlugin |
PlantumlTask |
PlexusLoggerWrapper |
PostCompile |
Runs registered post compiler handlers to against existing class files, modifying them in the process.
ProjectContext |
ProjectFile |
Repo |
ResolveJavadocLinks |
SassBasePlugin |
SassCompile |
SassExtension |
SassJavaPlugin |
SassWarPlugin |
SassWebjarsPlugin |
SevenZip |
SevenZipArchiveInputStream |
SevenZipFileTree |
SevenZipPlugin |
Snapshot |
SpringLinkProvider |
StringWritable |
TaskUtils |
TestGenerator |
UploadFile |
UploadSnapshotResponse |
UploadSnapshotTask |
User |
ValidateMavenPom |
ValidatePomsPlugin |
WarArchiveClassesConvention |
Deprecated. |
WarArchiveClassesPlugin |
WarAttachClassesConvention |
Deprecated. |
WarAttachClassesPlugin |
WarOverlay |
WarOverlayPlugin |
WarPlugin |
WeavingSourceSet |
XzArchiver |