All Classes and Interfaces

Compilation options to be passed to the AspectJ compiler.
Applies lombok transformations without compiling your java code (so, 'unpacks' lombok annotations and such).
Creates a small lombok-api.jar with the annotations and other public API classes of all lombok features.
Prints the configurations for the provided paths to standard out.
Creates a small lombok-runtime.jar with the runtime dependencies of all lombok transformations that have them, and prints the names of each lombok transformation that requires the lombok-runtime.jar at runtime.
A Gradle plugin for building Maven plugins.
MavenProject implementation backed by a gradle project.
Build the MkDocs documentation.
Deploy your documentation to GitHub Pages.
Create a new MkDocs project
Run the builtin development server.
Gradle WorkAction for PlantUML SourceFileReader.
Maven Logger implementation which delegates to a gradle logger.
Runs registered post compiler handlers to against existing class files, modifying them in the process.