Class AbstractArchiveFileTreeElement

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractArchiveFileTreeElement

        protected AbstractArchiveFileTreeElement​(org.gradle.internal.file.Chmod chmod,
                                                 File expandedDir,
                                                 AtomicBoolean stopFlag)
        Creates a new instance.
        chmod - the chmod instance to use
        expandedDir - the directory to extract the archived file to
        stopFlag - the stop flag to use
    • Method Detail

      • getArchiveEntry

        protected abstract ArchiveEntry getArchiveEntry()
        Returns the archive entry for this element.
        the archive entry
      • safeEntryName

        protected String safeEntryName()
        Returns a safe name for the name of a file contained in the archive.
        See Also:
      • getEntryName

        protected abstract String getEntryName()
        Returns unsafe name for the name of a file contained in the archive.
        See Also: