About the Documentation
The documentation of the FreeFair Gradle Plugin collection consists of two parts:
This reference guide
The Javadoc API
The latest copy of the user guide is available at https://docs.freefair.io/gradle-plugins/current/reference
and the corresponding javadocs can be found at https://docs.freefair.io/gradle-plugins/current/api.
The source code for the plugins and this documentation can be found at https://github.com/freefair/gradle-plugins
1. Installation
All plugins are deployed to the Gradle Plugin Portal.
The plugins are grouped in multiple modules, each containing some plugins. These submodules are described by the different parts of this documentation.
Each plugin can be included using the Plugins DSL
or by referencing its containing module in the buildscript
plugins {
id "io.freefair.lombok" version ""
plugins {
id("io.freefair.lombok") version ""
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
dependencies {
classpath "io.freefair.gradle:lombok-plugin:"
apply plugin: "io.freefair.lombok"
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/")
dependencies {
apply(plugin = "io.freefair.lombok")
2. System Requirements
2.1. Gradle
The plugins of version are targeted at Gradle 8.13.
Starting with version 8, the Major.Minor version of the plugins matches those of Gradle itself.
Module I: Settings
Module II: AspectJ
AspectJ™ is
a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java™ programming language
Java platform compatible
easy to learn and use
AspectJ™ enables
clean modularization of crosscutting concerns, such as error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior, performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support, and multi-object protocols
4. AspectJ Plugins
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the aspectj-plugin
The plugins support two different approaches when working with AspectJ: Compile-time weaving and post-compile weaving.
These are implemented by the io.freefair.aspectj
and io.freefair.aspectj.post-compile-weaving
plugins respectively.
4.1. Compile-time weaving
When using compile-time weaving, your sources are directly compiled by ajc
This works well for simple projects which only have .java
and .aj
sources and don’t need javac-specific features like annotation processing with Project Lombok.
The io.freefair.aspectj
plugin is built analogous to the existing plugins for Groovy, Scala and Kotlin.
It adds an additional aspectj
directory to every source set which will be compiled by ajc
This creates the additional source folders src/main/aspectj
, src/test/aspectj
and so forth.
In order to avoid conflicts and confusion between ajc and javac, the default compile*Java
tasks will be disabled,
and src/<sourceSet>/java
will be compiled by ajc as well.
This aligns with the AspectJ Maven Plugin, which also uses src/<sourceSet>/java
Technically, each Gradle SourceSet will get two new SourceDirectorySets:
The If you need both ajc and javac, just reenable the |
4.2. Post-compile weaving
The io.freefair.aspectj.post-compile-weaving
enhances the
, compileScala
, compileKotlin
) tasks of all source sets
with an additional ajc
action in order to perform post-compile weaving.
With this setup, your source code is first compiled by javac, groovyc, scalac and/or kotlinc as usual. The resulting byte-code is then post-processed by ajc. This enables the usage of AspectJ in combination with annotation processors like Lombok or even other Languages like Groovy, Scala and Kotlin.
4.3. Configuration Options
4.3.1. AspectJ Runtime
dependencies {
implementation "org.aspectj:aspectjrt:"
dependencies {
4.3.2. Aspectpath
Additional advices (the -aspectpath
) can be declared as dependencies of the aspect
dependencies {
aspect project(":my-aspect")
testAspect "com.example.foo:bar-aspect:1.0.0"
dependencies {
4.3.3. Inpath
Additional jars/classes which should be woven and added to the output as well (the -inpath
can be declared as dependencies fo the inpath
dependencies {
inpath project(":my-lib")
testInpath "com.example.foo:bar-lib:1.0.0"
dependencies {
4.3.4. io.freefair.aspectj.post-compile-weaving
This plugin enhances the compileJava
, compileScala
, compileKotlin
) tasks of all source sets
with an additional ajc
action in order to perform post-compile-weaving.
The output of the compilation (javac
, etc.) becomes the -inpath
for ajc
The -classpath
, -source
and -target
arguments of ajc
are set automatically to the corresponding values taken from the compile task.
Additional ajc
arguments can be configured using the ajc.options.compilerArgs
property as shown below.
The following things are configurable:
compileJava {
ajc {
enabled = true (1)
classpath (2)
options {
aspectpath.setFrom configurations.aspect (3)
compilerArgs = [] (4)
compileTestJava {
ajc {
enabled = true (1)
classpath (2)
options {
aspectpath.setFrom configurations.testAspect (3)
compilerArgs = [] (4)
tasks.compileJava {
configure<AjcAction> {
enabled = true (1)
classpath (2)
options {
aspectpath.setFrom(configurations.aspect) (3)
compilerArgs = listOf("") (4)
tasks.compileTestJava {
configure<AjcAction> {
enabled = true (1)
classpath (2)
options {
aspectpath.setFrom(configurations.testAspect) (3)
compilerArgs = listOf("") (4)
1 | Specifies if ajc should run at all. Defaults to true |
2 | The classpath containing ajc itself (aspectjtools.jar ). Inferred from the compile/runtime classpaths by default. |
3 | The classpath containing additional advices to weave. This directly maps to the -aspectpath argument of ajc. |
4 | Addittional arguments which will be passed to ajc . |
The official documentation of ajc can be found here: https://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/released/devguide/ajc-ref.html
5. AspectJ Tasks
5.1. AspectjCompile
task can be used to run
task myAjcTask(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.aspectj.AspectjCompile) {
aspectjClasspath.setFrom configurations.aspectj
ajcOptions {
inpath = files()
aspectpath = files()
tasks.register<AspectjCompile>("myAjcTask") {
ajcOptions {
inpath = files()
aspectpath = files()
Module III: Commons Compress
The Apache Commons Compress library defines an API for working with ar, cpio, Unix dump, tar, zip, gzip, XZ, Pack200, bzip2, 7z, arj, lzma, snappy, DEFLATE, lz4, Brotli, Zstandard, DEFLATE64 and Z files.
6. Compress Plugins
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the compress-plugin
6.2. io.freefair.compress.trees
This plugin adds the commonsCompress
Extension to the project, which provides the following methods:
FileTree arTree(Object arFile);
FileTree arjTree(Object arjFile);
FileTree arjTree(Object arjFile, String charsetName);
FileTree cpioTree(Object cpioFile);
FileTree cpioTree(Object cpioFile, String encoding);
FileTree cpioTree(Object cpioFile, int blockSize);
FileTree cpioTree(Object cpioFile, int blockSize, String encoding);
FileTree sevenZipTree(Object sevenZipFile);
FileTree sevenZipTree(Object sevenZipFile, char[] password);
FileTree dumpTree(Object dumpFile);
FileTree dumpTree(Object dumpFile, String encoding);
FileTree tarXzTree(Object tarXzFile);
FileTree tarLzmaTree(Object tarLzmaFile);
These methods can be used to open ar
, arj
, cpio
, 7z
, dump
, tar.xz
or tar.lzma
They work the same way as the
methods which are described here
task example(type: Sync) {
from commonsCompress.arTree(file("foo.ar"))
tasks.register<Sync>("example") {
6.3. io.freefair.compress.ar
This plugin makes the Ar
task available without it’s qualified name.
6.4. io.freefair.compress.cpio
This plugin makes the Cpio
task available without it’s qualified name.
6.5. io.freefair.compress.7z
This plugin makes the SevenZip
task available without it’s qualified name.
7. Compress Tasks
7.1. Ar
implementation can be used to create ar
task packageArArchive(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.Ar) {
archiveFileName = "my-distribution.ar"
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/dist")
from "$buildDir/toArchive"
longFileMode = org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ar.ArArchiveOutputStream.LONGFILE_ERROR
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.Ar>("packageArArchive") {
archiveFileName = "my-distribution.ar"
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/dist")
longFileMode = org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ar.ArArchiveOutputStream.LONGFILE_ERROR
7.2. BZip2
This task can be used to compress individual files using BZip2.
task compressBZip2(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.BZip2) {
source "src/main/resources"
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "bz2"
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.BZip2>("compressBZip2") {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "bz2"
7.3. Cpio
implementation can be used to create cpio
task packageCpioArchive(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.Cpio) {
archiveFileName = "my-distribution.cpio"
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/dist")
from "$buildDir/toArchive"
format = org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.cpio.CpioConstants.FORMAT_NEW
blockSize = 512
encoding = "US-ASCII"
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.Cpio>("packageCpioArchive") {
archiveFileName = "my-distribution.cpio"
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/dist")
format = org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.cpio.CpioConstants.FORMAT_NEW
blockSize = 512
encoding = "US-ASCII"
7.4. Deflate
This task can be used to compress individual files using the zlib deflate algorithm.
task compressDeflate(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.Deflate) {
source "src/main/resources"
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "deflate"
compressionLevel = 9
withZlibHeader = false
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.Deflate>("compressDeflate") {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "deflate"
compressionLevel = 9
withZlibHeader = false
7.5. GZip
This task can be used to compress individual files using BZip2.
task compressGZip(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.GZip) {
source "src/main/resources"
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "gz"
compressionLevel = 9
comment = ""
addFilename = false
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.GZip>("compressGZip") {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "gz"
compressionLevel = 9
comment = ""
addFilename = false
7.6. LZMA
This task can be used to compress individual files using LZMA.
task compressLZMA(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.LZMA) {
source "src/main/resources"
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "lzma"
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.LZMA>("compressLZMA") {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/compressed")
fileExtension = "lzma"
7.7. SevenZip
implementation can be used to create 7z
task packageSevenZipArchive(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.SevenZip) {
archiveFileName = "my-distribution.7z"
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/dist")
from "$buildDir/toArchive"
contentCompression = org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZMethod.LZMA2
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.compress.tasks.SevenZip>("packageSevenZipArchive") {
archiveFileName = "my-distribution.7z"
destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/dist")
contentCompression = org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.sevenz.SevenZMethod.LZMA2
Module IV: Embedded Sass
8. JSass Plugins
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the embedded-sass-plugin
8.1. io.freefair.sass-base
This plugin adds the sass
extension to the project and applies it to all SassCompile
sass {
omitSourceMapUrl = false
outputStyle = com.sass_lang.embedded_protocol.OutputStyle.EXPANDED
sourceMapContents = false
sourceMapEmbed = false
sourceMapEnabled = true
sass {
omitSourceMapUrl = false
outputStyle = com.sass_lang.embedded_protocol.OutputStyle.EXPANDED
sourceMapContents = false
sourceMapEmbed = false
sourceMapEnabled = true
8.2. io.freefair.sass-webjars
This plugin adds webjars support to the sass compilation:
dependencies {
implementation 'org.webjars:bootstrap:5.1.3'
dependencies {
@import "scss/bootstrap";
8.3. io.freefair.sass-java
This plugin configures a compileSass
task for the
of each
source set.
Module V: Git
Module VI: GitHub
12. GitHub Plugins
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the github-plugin
12.1. io.freefair.github.base
Common base plugin which is applied by the other plugins in this module.
It adds the github
extension to the project:
extensiongithub {
slug = "freefair" (1)
username = findProperty('githubUsername') (2)
token = findProperty('githubToken') (3)
tag = 'HEAD' (4)
travis = true (5)
github {
slug = "freefair" (1)
username = findProperty("githubUsername") (2)
token = findProperty("githubToken") (3)
tag = "HEAD" (4)
travis = true (5)
1 | The owner/name identifier of the GitHub repository.
This is auto-detected using the configured git remotes. |
2 | The username which should be used when accessing the GitHub API. |
3 | The token which should be used when accessing the GitHub API. |
4 | See io.freefair.github.pom |
5 | Whether the GitHub project uses TravisCI (true ) or not (false ).
This is auto-detected by default. |
This plugin should only be applied to the root project. |
12.2. io.freefair.github.pom
This plugin pre-fills the pom’s of all `MavenPublication`s with information avaiable from the GitHub project.
The scm.tag
element of the pom is auto-detected by default,
but can be overriden using the github.tag
extension property.
This plugins calls the GitHub API.
Configure a username and token as described in io.freefair.github.base if
you have problems with GitHub’s rate limit.
(The token does not need any scopes for this).
12.3. io.freefair.github.package-registry-maven-publish
This plugin pre-configures publishing to the GitHub Package Registry
using the maven-publish
It also applies the io.freefair.github.pom
When using this plugin, you have to configure a username and token as described in io.freefair.github.base .
The token needs the read:packages and write:packages scopes as described
Module VII: JaCoCo
JaCoCo is a free code coverage library for Java, which has been created by the EclEmma team based on the lessons learned from using and integration existing libraries for many years.
14. JaCoCo Plugins
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the jacoco-plugin
14.1. io.freefair.aggregate-jacoco-report
This plugin adds a aggregateJacocoReport
task to the project its applied on.
This Task will generate an aggregated Jacoco report for the main java source sets of
all projects by evaluating the execution data of the test tasks of all projects.
The task is of type JacocoReport
15. JaCoCo Tasks
15.1. JacocoDump
task is the Gradle equivalent of the dump
task dump(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.jacoco.tasks.JacocoDump) {
address = "localhost"
port = 6300
retryCount = 10
dump = true
reset = false
destfile = file("build/dump.exec")
append = true
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.jacoco.tasks.JacocoDump>("dump") {
address = "localhost"
port = 6300
retryCount = 10
dump = true
reset = false
destfile = file("build/dump.exec")
append = true
Module VIII: Lombok
Project Lombok is a java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your java. Never write another getter or equals method again, with one annotation your class has a fully featured builder, Automate your logging variables, and much more.
16. Lombok Plugins
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the lombok-plugin
16.1. io.freefair.lombok-base
This plugin adds the lombok
configuration and the lombok
extension to the project.
It also configures all Lombok related tasks to use the lombok
The used Lombok version can be customized using the lombok
lombok {
version = "1.18.36"
lombok {
version = "1.18.36"
16.2. io.freefair.lombok
This plugin simplifies the use of Lombok in Gradle by performing the following steps:
Lombok is added to the
configurations of each source set -
For each source set a
task is created. -
task will be configured to read the delombok-ed sources instead of the actual sources. -
is added to each source-set when 'org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor' is found. -
The compile tasks for each source set will consider the
(s) in their up-to-date checks
Only the default Groovy
In contrast to the |
Module IX: Maven
18. Maven Plugins
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the maven-plugin
18.2. io.freefair.war-overlay
This plugin ports the overlays feature of the Maven War Plugin to Gradle.
The overlays can be configured using the overlays
property, which is added to every War
war {
overlays {
foo {
from "com.example:some-war:1.2.3@war" (1)
enabled = true (2)
into "sub-path/foo" (3)
enableCompilation = true (4)
provided = false (5)
bar {
from project(":some-other-war") (1)
skip = false (2)
targetPath = "sub-path/bar" (3)
include "*.html"
includes = ["*.html", "**/*.xml"]
tasks.withType<org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.War> {
val extension: NamedDomainObjectContainer<WarOverlay> = extensions["overlays"] as NamedDomainObjectContainer<WarOverlay>
extension.create("foo") {
from("com.example:some-war:1.2.3@war") (1)
enabled = true (2)
into("sub-path/foo") (3)
enableCompilation = true (4)
provided(false) (5)
extension.create("bar") {
from(project(":some-other-war")) (1)
skip = false (2)
targetPath = "sub-path/bar" (3)
includes = ["*.html", "**/*.xml"]
1 | The source of the overlay. This can be another project, a File instance or a dependency notation. |
2 | Whether the overlay is enabled or should be skipped. |
3 | The target relative path in the webapp structure. By default, the content of the overlay is added in the root structure of the webapp. |
4 | Whether the classes and jars in the overlay should be added to the compile classpath of the project. |
5 | Whether the contents of the overlay should not be added to the war.
Setting this to true can be used to compile against the classes in the war and have IDE auto-completion without actually adding the files of the overlay to the war. |
The overlays
property of the war task is a
18.3. io.freefair.war-attach-classes
This plugin ports the attachClasses feature of the Maven War Plugin to Gradle.
war {
attachClasses.set(true) (1)
classesClassifier.set('classes') (2)
war {
val attachClasses = extensions["attachClasses"] as Property<Boolean>
val classesClassifier = extensions["classesClassifier"] as Property<String>
attachClasses.set(true) (1)
classesClassifier.set("classes") (2)
1 | Whether classes (that is the content of the WEB-INF/classes directory) should be attached to the project as an additional artifact. |
2 | The classifier to use for the attached classes artifact. |
18.4. io.freefair.war-archive-classes
This plugin ports the archiveClasses feature of the Maven War Plugin to Gradle.
war {
archiveClasses.set(true) (1)
war {
val archiveClasses = extensions["archiveClasses"] as Property<Boolean>
archiveClasses.set(true) (1)
1 | Whether a JAR file will be created for the classes in the webapp. Using this optional configuration parameter will make the compiled classes to be archived into a JAR file and the classes directory will then be excluded from the webapp. |
18.5. io.freefair.aggregate-javadoc
This plugin can be used to generate the aggregated javadocs of multiple projects.
It is inspired by the aggregate
mojo of the javadoc-maven-plugin.
This plugin is designed to be used in multi-module Gradle builds. It can either be applied directly to the root project or to a separate subproject.
The projects which sources should be included into the aggregated javadocs have to be added as dependencies to the javadoc
dependencies {
// Option 1: List projects explicitly
javadoc project(":moduleA")
javadoc project(":moduleB")
//Option 2: Add all java projects automatically
rootProject.subprojects { subproject ->
subproject.plugins.withId("java") {
javadoc subproject
dependencies {
// Option 1: List projects explicitly
//Option 2: Add all java projects automatically
rootProject.subprojects.forEach { subproject ->
subproject.plugins.withId("java") {
18.6. io.freefair.aggregate-javadoc-legacy
This is the old io.freefair.aggregate-javadoc plugin which was deprecated and replaced with version 8.0.
This plugin adds a aggregateJavadoc
task to the project which will generate the aggregated javadoc for the project itself
and all of its subprojects (which have the java
plugin applied).
18.7. io.freefair.aggregate-javadoc-jar
This plugin adds an aggregateJavadocJar
task based on the io.freefair.aggregate-javadoc-legacy
Consider using the new io.freefair.aggregate-javadoc Plugin which was rewritten for Version 8.0 which now also directly includes a jar task.
18.9. io.freefair.javadoc-links
This plugin configures the links of each Javadoc
task based on the dependencies
in the classpath of the task.
18.11. io.freefair.maven-publish-java
This plugin applies the maven-publish
and java
plugins and configures a mavenJava
18.12. io.freefair.maven-publish-war
This plugin applies the maven-publish
and war
plugins and configures a mavenWeb
18.13. io.freefair.maven-optional
This plugin adds a Maven-like optional
configuration to the project.
dependencies {
optional "com.example:foo-bar:1.0.0"
dependencies {
18.14. io.freefair.maven-central.validate-poms
This plugin adds a ValidateMavenPom
task for each
19. Maven Tasks
19.1. ValidateMavenPom
This task validates, that a given pom file contains all the information required by maven central.
task validateMyPom(type: io.freefair.gradle.plugins.maven.central.ValidateMavenPom) {
pomFile = file("path/to/my/pom.xml")
ignoreFailures = false
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.maven.central.ValidateMavenPom>("validateMyPom") {
pomFile = file("path/to/my/pom.xml")
ignoreFailures = false
Module X: Maven-Plugin
21. Maven-Plugin Tasks
21.1. DescriptorGeneratorTask
This Task is the gradle equivalent of the
of the
Maven Plugin Maven Plugin.
Module XI: MkDocs
MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that’s geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.
23. MkDocs Tasks
All MkDocs tasks can be found in the
Module XII: MJML
24. MJML Plugin
This chapter describes all the plugins contained in the mjml-plugin
24.1. io.freefair.mjml.base
This plugin adds the mjml
extension to the project and create some basic tasks to install mjml via npm.
mjml {
validationMode = ValidationMode.strict
minify = true
beautify = false
minifyOptions = "{\"minifyCSS\": true, \"removeEmptyAttributes\": false}"
juiceOptions = "{\"preserveImportant\": true}"
juicePreserveTags = "{\"myTag\": { \"start\": \"<#\", \"end\": \"</#\" }}"
mjml {
validationMode = ValidationMode.strict
minify = true
beautify = false
minifyOptions = "{\"minifyCSS\": true, \"removeEmptyAttributes\": false}"
juiceOptions = "{\"preserveImportant\": true}"
juicePreserveTags = "{\"myTag\": { \"start\": \"<#\", \"end\": \"</#\" }}"
25. MJML Task
Compiles your mjml files to html with the given configuration (see extension documentation).
Module XIII: OkHttp
An HTTP & HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications
27. Apply plugin
plugins {
id "io.freefair.okhttp"
plugins {
28. OkHttp Tasks
28.1. OkHttpRequestTask
This is the base class for all tasks executing an http request which provides the following common properties:
The URL for the Request
The username for HTTP Basic Auth
The password for HTTP Basic Auth
Additional headers which will be added to the request.
28.2. DownloadFile
tasks.register("myDownload", io.freefair.gradle.plugins.okhttp.tasks.DownloadFile) {
url = "https://example.com/foo.txt"
outputFile = file("build/foo.txt")
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.okhttp.tasks.DownloadFile>("myDownload") {
url = "https://example.com/foo.txt"
outputFile = file("build/foo.txt")
See also OkHttpRequestTask
28.3. UploadFile
tasks.register("myUpload", io.freefair.gradle.plugins.okhttp.tasks.UploadFile) {
url = "https://example.com/foo.txt"
file = file("build/file.txt")
contentType = "text/plain"
tasks.register<io.freefair.gradle.plugins.okhttp.tasks.UploadFile>("myUpload") {
url = "https://example.com/foo.txt"
file = file("build/file.txt")
contentType = "text/plain"
See also OkHttpRequestTask
Module XIV: PlantUML
29. Basic usage
plugins {
id "io.freefair.plantuml"
plugins {
This adds a PlantUML task to gradle as well as a new source set. The images will be saved to the build directory.
30. Configuration options
Option | Description | Default |
Pattern for filenames to include in the image generation process. This is different to |
File format to generate. All valid options for PlantUML can be chosen. |
Directory to save generated files in. |
31. Custom Task
tasks.register("plantUml2", PlantumlTask) {
includePattern = "**/*.tuml"
fileFormat = "SVG"
outputDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir("dist2")
tasks.register<PlantumlTask>("plantUml2") {
includePattern = "**/*.tuml"
fileFormat = "SVG"
outputDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir("dist2")