Class DependencySnapshotTask

    • Constructor Detail

      • DependencySnapshotTask

        public DependencySnapshotTask()
    • Method Detail

      • getSha

        public abstract Property<String> getSha()
        The commit SHA associated with this dependency snapshot. Maximum length: 40 characters.
      • getRef

        public abstract Property<String> getRef()
        The repository branch that triggered this snapshot.
        The repository branch that triggered this snapshot.
      • getJobCorrelator

        public abstract Property<String> getJobCorrelator()
        Correlator provides a key that is used to group snapshots submitted over time. Only the "latest" submitted snapshot for a given combination of job.correlator and will be considered when calculating a repository's current dependencies. Correlator should be as unique as it takes to distinguish all detection runs for a given "wave" of CI workflow you run. If you're using GitHub Actions, a good default value for this could be the environment variables GITHUB_WORKFLOW and GITHUB_JOB concatenated together. If you're using a build matrix, then you'll also need to add additional key(s) to distinguish between each submission inside a matrix variation.