All Classes and Interfaces

Compilation options to be passed to the AspectJ compiler.
Applies lombok transformations without compiling your java code (so, 'unpacks' lombok annotations and such).
Creates a small lombok-api.jar with the annotations and other public API classes of all lombok features.
Prints the configurations for the provided paths to standard out.
Creates a small lombok-runtime.jar with the runtime dependencies of all lombok transformations that have them, and prints the names of each lombok transformation that requires the lombok-runtime.jar at runtime.
A Gradle plugin for building Maven plugins.
MavenProject implementation backed by a gradle project.
Build the MkDocs documentation.
Deploy your documentation to GitHub Pages.
Create a new MkDocs project
Run the builtin development server.
Base class for tasks which execute exactly one HTTP Request.
Base class for tasks using an OkHttpClient.
Migrate to OutputStyle
Gradle WorkAction for PlantUML SourceFileReader.
Maven Logger implementation which delegates to a gradle logger.
Runs registered post compiler handlers to against existing class files, modifying them in the process.